Saturday, May 28, 2011

Like a gopher wearing a miner's hat and your bare asshole in his sight

SFSignal gives an overview of Joe Lansdale's Hap and Leonard novels. This is a mystery series dealing with a pair of good old boys, a white het Vietnam vet and a gay black bartender, who "solve mysteries" and "fight crime" in Nacodoches Texas.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Why is there something instead of nothing?"

More confirmation of dark energy.

It's the Campaignin' Scene (woo hoo oo oo hah hah hah ha!)

Campaigns like Newt's comes along only once per century sez he. I note that possible-closeted homophobic conservative political candidates are thick on the ground these days. Luvs your ringtone, Newt!

More Musical D&D Love

Did they have good medical?

German insurance firm hired prostitutes as a reward for it's top sales staff.

Don't Play With Your Food!

Or, is a banana just a banana?

(Insert Space Cruiser Yamato Theme Here)

NASA's Voyager probes are entering interstellar space and still working.

Not news, except the how

Religious factors may influence brain chemistry.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cancel the Picnic!

US Customs and Border Patrol busts seizes South-of-the-Border bologna. Over 400 pounds worth.

Good News, Everyone

Good news: Cibo Matto reunite. Bad news: The closest they come to me is Chicago.

End of Our Long Nightmare?

A bone marrow transplant may have cured a man of AIDS.

Bombs, Not Books

There is no money for school libraries in the Department of Education's budget.

Scott Walker: Douche

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker decides he doesn't want to protect all the people of his state. He makes the call to no longer defend domestic partnerships on the basis that it's unconstitutional even though the Wisconsin Supreme Court refuses to hear the case.

Bacon & Hobbes

And to Calvin a daughter.

Fire Sale Prices

No "white knight" for Borders, looks like Barnes and Nobles will get them for pennies on the dollar.

Monday, May 16, 2011

How Low Can You Go?

Get a beer and a hot dog delivered to you at Yankee Stadium and Goldman sachs gets the tip.

Three Questions & a Quote

1) How well do you know your online friends?

2) Do you know which members of Congress actually support our troops and our veterans and which use them for political football?

3) Should there not be some kind of safety net to keep our veterans from being homeless?

"When Johnny went off to war, we said nothing was too good for him, and, by golly, when he came back, nothing was just what we gave him!"

Space squid. It's for science!

NASA launches baby squid into space on the Endeavour to help understand how "good" bacteria behaves in space.

Super-injunction Super-unenforcable

UK's "super-injunctions" to cover Facebook and Twitter.

How would that work? Force me to become a UK citizen? Convince the US to pass such a law (that would be shot down by the Supreme Court)?

I am in awe

Studio Ghibli comes to Minecraft.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Evil Greed Incarnate

Robert "Xanadu" Greenwald takes on the Koch Bros in his new documentary.

Cuz it's a Thriller

Michael Jackson's lawyer to defend Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, on the sexual assault charges.

For Conspriracy Buffs

Scotland Yard fights to keep the Jack the Ripper files secret.

Good, I'm not the only one that noticed that.

Uncomfortably sexual company logos.

More on the cancer cure

Straight from the Department of Medicine, University of Alberta: If there's a magic bullet for cancer, it's DCA.

Answer the First, I dunno, Answer the Second, if so, then probably

Has a cure for cancer been found, and is Big Pharm trying to bury the news?

Tastes better than your soul, he says

Cthulhu chocolate bars.
The full trailer for the Fright Night remake can be found here.

I Now Know Why the Protesters Call IMF What They Do

Head of the IMF arrested trying to leave NYC on a false imprisonment and attempted rape charge.

This Mislikes Me

Eric Prince, founder of Blackwater/Xe, is building a mercenary army in and for the United Arab Emirates to defend those autocratic regimes against the current wave of popular democratic uprisings swelling in the Middle East.

If I was inclined to believe the Christian mythology, I'd name Eric Prince the Anti-Christ now. He smells right to me, and, if memory serves, he might also qualify for the name under one of Nostradamus' prophecies.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wear a Thaddle, Thilly!

J. Michael Straczynski on Thor, as a young fan, the writer of the comic book, and a contributor to the Thor movie.

(Said the viking, leaping on to the horse, "I'm Thor!" Said the horse, "Then wear a thaddle, thilly!")

Crossing the Equator



Sodomy: Approved!

Jim McDonald on Naval chaplains given the go ahead to perform same sex marriages.

The Team-Up You Demanded!

Pair of Starbucks in Starbucks. Full colors in Triad. Read'em and weep!

Enjoying Your Job

Ghost of a Chance

io9 lists several haunted brothels in the US.

A Writer's Voice

Christopher Hitchens advises to write the way you talk.

Aliens vs Dinosaurs

Barry Sonnenfield will direct Dominion: Dinosaurs Versus Aliens based on a Grant morrison script.

Cowboys vs aliens. Dinosaurs vs aliens. I need to write the Strawberry Shortcake vs aliens script. Or My Pretty Pony. Or Care Bears.

doot doot

Carl Sagan wanted aliens to think the Earth was an interplanetary gay disco, which may explain the anal probes.

Carl Sagan's orbitting disco message sphere has been up since 1976. Since then, other nations have launched Laegos as well.

FSU Economics Department is Full of Koch-Heads

In return for $1.5m in funding, the economics department of Florida State University must hire to Charles Koch's specifications.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blood and sould for my lord Arioch!

Missed picking up Elric: The Balance Lost on FCBD. It's a lead in to the series of the same name by Chris Roberson based on Michael Moorcock's character. Linking to it so I can refer back to it if I need to once the series starts this July.

Sailing the Lakes of Titan

NASA is considering plans to send a floating probe to a lake in Titan's northern hemisphere, Ligeia Mare. The lakes are a mixture of methane and ethane and keep to a temperature of  -180 °C. The probe would be launched in 2016 and reach Titan seven years later in 2023.

Fracking is Fracked

Shale gas drilling contaminates drinking water with seventeen times the level of methane.

Not surprising, when fracture drilling has been known to make well water flammable.

Zombie Marie Curie

"But you don't become great by trying to be great. You become great by wanting to do something, and then doing it so hard you become great in the process."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Okay, Jenni, You asked for it

Melanie Notkin is a PANK (Professional Aunt No Kids). She talks to Liane Hanson of NPR about Savvy Auntie (among other things).

"Life doesn't come with rules ... and yet as we spend more and more time with the children in our lives, we want to make sure that we can be the best support for the parent and the best aunt for our nieces and nephews."

RSA - 21st Century Enlightenment

File Under: Chomsky

Noam Chomsky: My Reaction to Osama bin Laden's Death.

Say Hallelujah!

Coming Soon: No-Drive Lists

Senator Schumer proposes a "No-Ride List" for Amtrack.

Even if you ignore the curtailment of liberties, a "No-Ride List" works like a "No-Fly List" in giving terrorists exactly what they want. Modern travel and communications works against any extremist movement to take all of us back a few centuries to more agrarian times.