Friday, June 22, 2012

Still Asleep

Hack the City, a quadcopter drone group, were held at London Southend Airport on suspicion of terrorism.

Hack the city uses the drones to perform a flying ballet and to create a mobile wi-fi zone. The drones were built with components originally intended for police surveillance.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Overfalls Railroad to Canada!

I'm sure everyone has heard that Nik Wallenda crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope on June 15, 2012. ABC required Nik to wear a harness, something that might have thrown his balance as he didn't practice with one.

The Wikipedia entry on The Flying Wallendas needs some updating. I've caught references that says the family as performers have been around for 200 years. I'm more than a little curious about this.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Whisky Tango Foxtrot

Sensory Organ, Not Brain, Differentiates Male And Female Behavior In Some Mammals

When the nose, or a sensory organ in the nose, of female mice is removed, they begin behaving like male mice. All terrestrial mammals have this organ except for the higher primates.

I'm Surprised He Didn't Mention the Oort Cloud

The evolving definition of "planet"